Album Igor Matković Quintet “State Of Ku” is out!

You can order it here:


In studio

These days Igor Matković is recording his third studio album with his quartet incl. Marcin Wasilwski (Poland) on piano, Vladimir Kostadinović (Serbia) on drums and Robert Jukič (Slovenia) on bass. The album will be released in fall 2015. Stay tuned for more information.


Igor Matković “Long Distance Journey” Feat. Marcin Wasilewski LIVE

You can hear Igor Matković “Long Distance Journey” Feat. Marcin Wasilewski in Cankarjev dom (Klub CD) in Ljubljana on February the 4th at 20.00. The concert will feature the project’s new compositions which Matković has devised in various musical forms, and based their structure on pursuing a profounder ambiental approach to improvisation and instrumental interplay. The […]


Igor Matković “Long distance journey” feat. Marcin Wasilewski

New band in collaboration with famous Polish piano Marcin Wasilewski will be presented in Cankarjev dom early next year. More informations about concert and ticket reservation you can find here.
